Friday, October 31, 2008


So, I have been informed by Kanooer, that my blog is no longer funny. To you Kanoo, I say "WHAT EV" doing the W - E finger thing as I say that. Actually, I'm o.k with that, because I know we can't be funny all of the time, just ask Ally or Pam. Just kidding guys, love ya! I may have just lost the only person that reads my blog anymore.
So, what I really need today are some opinions. Now I know that asking most of you for opinions is totally unnecessary, because they will come whether asked for or not, but really, I'm curious as to what you all think about a situation. And with that said, the situation I will now present.
Today, my precious little loads brought home their report cards for the first term. I enjoy getting these little reports. Elementary school report cards are almost always sweet and a source of pride. Happy little notes from the teachers about what a joy your child is, punctuated with a little smiley face, can make a mother's heart swell. To all of you with only young kids, treasure these little reports of success, soak up the gold stars and happy faces, because about Jr. High, it all goes to @#$%!! But I digress. Today I recieved a report with the following information.
SOCIAL STUDIES-E ( an E means Excellent, duh)
PHYSICAL EDUCATION-N, did you see that an N, this doesn't mean NO PROBLEMS or NIFTY, it means NEEDS IMPROVEMENT, and is the lowest grade possible.
My concern wasn't especially with the grade, it's PE, I mean really who gives a crap about PE, it was the note next to the grade.
"Really having problems talking out of turn and bothering others" My first reaction was, I needed to talk to this child and tell him shape up, behave, and quit disrupting class. Then I read the second line. "He's the only one I have not seen progress from last year" Signed. ' I'M ONLY A PE TEACHER, WHAT THE HECK DO I KNOW". ( I used a pseudonym to protect the teachers identity.)
I read the second part of the note and instantly felt that it was unnecessary, and implying something negative. I don't know what was being implied, but I know it was negative. Or was it ? Am I being over sensitive?
His teacher also left a note that read "Really improving overall and showing more respect to me and others. Keep it up!" No smiley face, but she did use an exclamation point, that's almost as good.
My little load will be told to behave in PE, and to listen to his teacher. He has told me before that he doesn't like his PE teacher, and I've always told him it doesn't matter whether or not he likes her, she's in charge, and he has to do what she says. The question isn't whether or not he was misbehaving. I just wanted to know if I'm being an over sensitive boob? Or if I'm not, would it be O.k. to give PE teacher a major mad mom crusty next time I see her?

(just for clarification, and to also justify my position, the nice note was from his all day, every day teacher. Bad, mean, rude, full of implication (I think??)
note was from PE teacher, who he sees once or twice a week for an hour.)


allison said...

Last year that same P.E. teacher wrote on Jordan's report card that she wasn't participating very well. (Yes, she takes her job very seriously.) When I called her about it---because Jordan insisted she was participating and following directions---the teacher said she'd made a mistake and written on the wrong report card. I guess her comment was meant for your little load.

motherload said...

Last year she also wrote on Cuatro's report card that he was "aggressive, and a bully" I just assumed she made a mistake. All I know,this isn't the first time she has scarred a perfect report card. It's PE for cripes sake!

motherload said...

This time it was cinco's report, not cuatro's, maybe she doesn't like my children?!? But how could that be they are perfect in each and every way!

Pam said...
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Pam said...

poor thing. what could be worse than teaching p.e.? we should feel bad for her. she probably has to scrub her own toilet and i'm sure she doesn't own a single pair designer sunglasses.

Evil Brother In Law said...

Tell him that the opinions of rug-munchers don't matter.

And maybe you can bribe her with a new flannel shirt.

kanooer said...

Out of all your kids, I think cinco is the most physically active. I think she just doesn't like your kids.

But on a brighter note, your blog just got funny again with Jim's latest nugget.

allison said...

The aforementioned "rug-muncher" (ew) is a parent volunteer---very involved in the school---and is actually very feminine and cute.

motherload said...

silly, silly Jim,
I believe the correct phrase is "carpet muncher"

mom said...

Do I have to step in again and remind you all of the record you are leaving for posterity?

allison said...

Mom: Must I step in and remind you of your "buttload" comment on the most recent post? Hmmm?