Thursday, October 16, 2008


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Today is the first day of fall break. Five days of "mom, I'm bored" "mom he/she is teasing me" "mom, I'm hungry". In other words five days of pure bliss. So before we get too overwhelmed, let's take a look back and remember just how cute they use to be, how cute they still are, and how time goes way too fast. I've got to go now and yell at the kids.

P.S."Word of the day" gadget on the sidebar, so we can all increase our smartitude as we conversate wit our peeps.


allison said...
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allison said...

Do I have to get things started again?! Motherload: love the pictures, but you're missing the "best one," as Evil put it. But I guess she's still in that very cute, always-lovable stage.

BTW, where's Kanooer these days?

motherload said...

Evil has removed his comment, if it had something to do with his little girl, I didn't have a picture of her on the computer or she would have been there.

allison said...

Nope, that was my deleted comment. Had to nix some typos.

mom said...

I have the cutest grandchildren in the world. Really, every other grandmother is deprived, since no other grandmother had grandchildren as cute as mine.

motherload said...

ohhh, I get it. Sydney is the "best one" I'm a little slow today, constant noise has made my brain spasm.

allison said...

You have to check out this site and scroll down to the picture of Obama and McCain that the readers captioned. Pretty funny.